STEP 1 - Register for the Pool
Sundance Hills Pool and Tennis Membership
Swim team families must join the Sundance Hills Pool and Tennis Club.
M.P.M. is a recreation and management company that specializes in swimming pool management and organization of recreation events. M.P.M. manages the Sundance Hills Pool and Tennis Club.
Click this link to sign up for the Sundance Pool Membership after April 8th.
Membership fees for 2024 are:
- Family, in-district $475 (with 30 guest passes)
- Family, out-of-district $890 (with 30 guest passes)
- Individuals, in-district $290.00 (with 10 guest passes)
- Individuals, out-of-district $540.00 (with 10 guest passes)
STEP 2 - Swim Team Registration
Registration will be live on April 10, 2024 @ 9:00 am
To Register Online:
1) Login to the Sailfish Swimtopia website
2) Confirm that your swimmers' information is correct. If you are new to our swim team, enter information for each swimmer.
3) Sign up for volunteer shifts.
4) Sign waivers and pay.
Information about Registering for Volunteer Shifts
- For descriptions of each shift, click here: Volunteer Info.
- Each family (except for Mudskipper Only families) will be expected to fulfill six volunteer points/shifts by the end of the seasons. If you have only a Mudskipper in your family (and no other swimmers), you do not have to sign up for any volunteer shifts.
- You must sign up for 6 volunteer shifts to complete registration.
- Each shift is usually 2.5-4 hours, depending on the nature of the job.
- Families who do not complete their 6 shift requirement will be charged $500.
Registration Fees
The swim team fees (including the Mudskipper program) will be $180 per swimmer.
Here is what you get for your registration fees:
- Swim practices daily
- Team T-shirt
- Monday Funday practices in June
- Swimming Under the Stars event
- Pirates Cove team night on a Sunday evening
- Individual & team pictures on a designated morning
- End-of-season celebration in July - may be extra cost
- Collector’s pin and meet ribbons
- More confidence in the pool
- Fun with teammates and coaches
- The chance to get better with every stroke